Venge Nail Starter set and a couple of other sets too

Hello There! Today I am going to be talking about, the starter set of nails from Venge! along with a couple other nail sets. I find that I like the idea of a store having their own nail set because some mesh nail sets are hard to find appliers for but if a store has an exclusive set, then there is a very strong chance that there will be options always available and easy to find. I shall be showcasing three different appliers for these nails in this post, along with the applier and as always, the links to what I am wearing in my photos will be listed down below. So without further ado, here we go! The applier pictured below is for the nail system that must be purchased in store or online, yes there is a free demo available, to be able to of course to use appliers. You add the nails that go with your body, they come in Maitreya and Legacy. Now the HUDs are all set up the same. Each nail can be set for a different nail on the hand from the thumb to the pinkie....