Venge Nail Starter set and a couple of other sets too
Hello There! Today I am going to be talking about, the starter set of nails from Venge! along with a couple other nail sets. I find that I like the idea of a store having their own nail set because some mesh nail sets are hard to find appliers for but if a store has an exclusive set, then there is a very strong chance that there will be options always available and easy to find.
I shall be showcasing three different appliers for these nails in this post, along with the applier and as always, the links to what I am wearing in my photos will be listed down below. So without further ado, here we go!
The applier pictured below is for the nail system that must be purchased in store or online, yes there is a free demo available, to be able to of course to use appliers. You add the nails that go with your body, they come in Maitreya and Legacy. Now the HUDs are all set up the same. Each nail can be set for a different nail on the hand from the thumb to the pinkie. This is the coolest feature of this system because it gives one just about unlimited combinations. Also and this is my absolute favorite part; you can mix appliers!! So like you could wear two or more sets at once! It is phenomenal!
The starter set you see pictured above is quite nice in the fact it comes in neutral colors, the realism is amazing and it is still fashionable and able to give that outfit that nice little pop!
Now we shall move onto the appliers themselves. I have 5 of the appliers and I will be showing off three of them. I will let you know which ones they are, tell you a bit about them, and at the bottom of the page, again will be the links.
The first set shall be the Lotus set. It is a mixture of Pink and gold. There are some with designs and some with just solid colors. I love this set simply because it is classy and it is pretty versatile too. Makes any outfit pop! The red tint is also fantastic and I love how in different lights, they seem to be a totally different nail set.
The other applier is the Pharaoh applier and this one was at another location set up by Venge! Once I saw it, I just knew I had to own it. It is black and midnight blue with some wonderful gold Ankhs and Scarab beetles and even Egyptian writing. This set is definitely for the one who likes unique and original. It goes well with any outfit too and adds that wonderful bit of spark.
The final applier (totally forgot about this one originally because it is a brand new one I found at SL17) is called Rain. Oh yes, the name says it all and the blue hues and subtle blue decorations are some of the best I have seen yet.
So there ya have it! Venge! is totally worth checking out. The nails are not that expensive to begin with and if you join the group, you can even save a bit more L as well. Definitely can NOT wait to see what happens with them in the future!
So there ya have it! Venge! is totally worth checking out. The nails are not that expensive to begin with and if you join the group, you can even save a bit more L as well. Definitely can NOT wait to see what happens with them in the future!
Head: Freya by Catwa
Nails: Venge!
Outfits: Finale Couture and Envious
Jewelry: Chop Zuey Couture Jewellery
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