Oh Yay! Some nail sets to bring in Autumn and Halloween!

 Okay, okay so we all know that for some of us, myself included, Halloween and Autumn are an all year mindset. Trust me, if I could live somewhere where the weather never got above a wonderous 72 degrees and I always needed hoodies and sweaters and sip on Apple Cider and burn Pumpkin Spice candles, then I would. Alas, I can not in real life but in second life I can! I don't. but knowing that it is an option is  a comfort. So anyway, I will be this blog and the next one will be themed and the other ones will just be, well them! Without further ado, here we go!

So first of Autumn. The crisp cool air, the leaves of gold, amber, orange, and deep red fluttering around before landing soundlessly on the ground. Now everyone needs the perfect outfit, especially if this outing is with someone special. Or some sort of social event, am I right? Well I have the one thing that will express one's love of Autumn on their nails! Check this set out!

 This set captures the love of Autumn better than anything. The gold, brown and orange solid nails combined with the same colors overlaid with leaves is the perfect edition to any fall outfit and they look phenomenal on the hand!

Trust me this is the set one should have in their closet and ready to go, promise you won't be disappointed so head on down to Venge! main store for a link to The Makeover Room and grab a set today!

For fans of Tim Burton, a special set named after him has been released. Now if one looks closely, we all know which movie it is from as well but shhhhhhhhhhhhh! Don't say the name three times or there will be shenanigans about!

 Slime, serpents and of course stripes along with bats, bring this nail set completely together, well as together as a ghost with the most can be anyway! So I decided to show these off in the local cemetery cause ya know, reasons and I think I knocked them dead......er than they already were.

Then I took a stroll over to a nice little Fall scene that was set up for photo ops and I decided to try and catch some of the falling leaves there. This set was definitely inspiring and I think something that both Lidia and her Beau would approve of! So go ahead and pop on over to the main store and grab a landmark to The Darkness Monthly event. Or, maybe someone can say your name three times and just summon you there!

Either way, get there and grab this set! Remember Darlings, stay safe, stay healthy and make this life as good as or even better than the first. Love you all *MUAH*

**PICTURES OF NAILS BY THEMSELVES ARE THE PROPERTY OF VIXEN DAGGER!!** I only borrowed them because I could not get my normal shots of the HUDS like I normally do. However, I will most likely do it this way in the future along with the credit given of course


                                                     Nails: Venge!

                                                    Clothing: Envious

                                                    Hair: Little Bones and Truth Hair

                                                    Jewelry: Chop Zuey

                                                   Makeup: Pout!Opulein, and Kosmetik

                                                   Skin: Glam Affair


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