Elegance and Skulls, now doesn't that sound interesting?

 Hello Darlings and welcome to my latest installment of the Venge Blog. Tonight we are going to be discussing two very unique sets. These sets are version 2s and I like that because version 2s are always slightly different than the original and sometimes, the sequel can be as good as the original. So without further ado, here we go!

Now you all might remember the first "Flourish set, but I am not sure. If not, then allow me to show you it here.

 Ms Dagger decided to give the flourish set a redo. Some solid gold was added and some other interesting color combinations too. 


I know, they are gorgeous right?! Well let me show you what they look like on the hand. Mind you, I am wearing the solid gold because I can but you can switch up the order a bit and discover some surprisingly wonderful combinations no one would ever think of.

 I mean look at that quality! That shine! Why don't mind if I do!! I paired it with a nice sultry, barely there, dress and lemme tell you, I got so many compliments! The ladies really dug the nails and the guys well, we won't worry about what they dug lol

Now for the next set. This one is a version 2 of the original set I wish I had. It is the Azrael v 2 set and can we just say YAY for skulls?! I dunno what it is but lemme tell ya, when you are sitting or standing in the void of nothingness and are awaiting whatever Fate may be bestowed upon you, there is no better way to look fashionable then with these nails.

I mean they just scream living dead fan girl or even as a way to announce that you have resigned to your fate and are ready for whatever is thrown at you! I tell ya, you look pretty tough with these bad boys on. Nothing can frighten you.

So yes, these sets are the perfect edition to your already growing nail sets released by Venge. Head on over to the mainstore, show some love to Ms Dagger, grab a few LMs and go treat yo self Ladies and Gents!! Yes Gents, cause nails like this aren't just for the ladies.

Alright Darlings, that is all I have for you today. Be safe, Be kind and make sure to live out your dreams here in the virtual world since the Real world has lost it's Bloddy mind! All my love!! *Muah*



                                                    Nails: Venge!

                                                    Dress: Fadia

                                                    Skin: Glam Affair

                                                    Hair: Little Bones


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