Sakura is the Japanese word for cherry blossom...
Sakura time is a magical period...
It does represent renewal and optimism...
It signals the ending of winter and beginning of spring...
It signals the ending of winter and beginning of spring...
It signals the ending of winter and beginning of spring...
The cherry trees become pink and beautiful...
The cherry trees become pink and beautiful...
I can probably say every time I see you is Sakura's time...
For your eyes bring peace, happiness and optimism to my days...
For your eyes bring peace, happiness and optimism to my days...
Your eyes are magical...
They are an eternal spring...
They are an eternal spring...
Poem: "Sakura" by: A poet in Paradise
Hair: Truth Hair
Makeup: Booty's Beauty
Jewelry: (Yummy)
Nails: Vengeful Threads/VENGE
Outfit: Blueberry
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