Queen of Tides and Nazar Nails

 Hello Venglings! This evening we are going to be showing off the Queen of Tides Dress and the Nazar nails. I think I am just going to let the pictures do the talking and make the words minimal. Why? These are genuinely magical items on their own!

Are you a Good Witch or a Bad Witch?
I am neither. I just am.

                                                                                Hair: Exile
                                                                                Dress: Venge!
                                                                                Nails: Venge!
                                                                                Jewelry: Forma Nails
                                                                                Eyes: IKON


One potent weapon in a woman's arsenal is the ability to accessorize. The other is to be able to love herself and be able to guiltlessly indulge in self-care.

Alright, Venglings. that is all I have for you this evening! All the links are the same for all the pictures, hence why they are in the middle. Please come back and have a look-see next time because we shall have another fantastic set of nails! Be safe, Stay Healthy, and I send my love to you all!


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