Kali Nails

 Hello Venglings! Tonight's post will be short and sweet, just like the nails we shall be discussing. Well, they are sweet anyway; they are actually a nice length, to be honest. These nails are called the Kali nails and what I like about them is that they give the feel of pressed flowers directly onto the polish and done so in such an artful way!

Check out the HUD to see what I mean. Also, I am really digging the ombre look that Ms. Dagger has been creating lately. So fluid and so smooth. Chic and simple.

Since this color scheme was unique in its own right, it took me a minute to find the correct outfit to pair with it. I finally found it when I paired it with Krasne dress and headpiece from Luxe Paris. The floral motif was carried from the nails to the dress, and pink was found in both the dress and headpiece. This allowed for everything to flow, but it also made it unique with the different colors added. 

So Venglings, that is all I have for you this evening. Be sure to head over to the Black Fair event to grab you a set of these nails! If you need a Landmark, be sure to head over to Venge Main Store to get one. Until next time Venglings, be safe, stay healthy and please be kind to one another.



                                                                    Nails: Venge/Vengeful Threads

                                                                    Clothes: LUXE Paris

                                                                     Hair: Truth Hair

                                                                     Makeup: Lollipop and Opulein


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