The nail set every snow queen needs

 Hello Venglings and welcome to the latest installment of Venge Blog! Today we are discussing the "Frost" set found at We <3RP. This set was fun for me to do because I became my own version of a snow queen to show it off. I even used eyelashes from Venge! as well that have snowflakes on them. I tell ya, loved putting this look together. So without further ado, here we go!

Nails: Check out the Advert. I tell ya what, these nails are perfection frozen in time! The detail and the Ombre effect, whew wee! I can not get enough.

I simply fell in love with these! I used two different nails of course, one for the hand and one for the accent nail, and I built my whole entire look around them. The snow motif and the Ombre were the most inspiring thing, like an unexpected Muse. I just, I dunno, these nails look so good on the hand......I swear it is like virtual has become reality. Check it out below to see what I mean

Are they not gorgeous?! This look is the perfect addition to any roleplay costume and as one who roleplays (sometimes) as an Ice Demon, this set is definitely going to be going in my look for sure!

Speaking adding things to looks and all, this is another one I am adding to my look. This is yet another must have and it is the Yuletide Lashes collective for Catwa. 


I used the snowflake ones pictured below and they are like the perfect look for a snow queen or an ice queen. Oh and of course, an Ice Demon such as myself lol! I paired it with some makeup and a very pale skin. Added a tattoo and wait until you see the complete look. Right now though, we have a closeup!

 Yes, yes.....say hello to the Ice Demon Queen lol! I tell ya, this frigid look is so me for some reason. Maybe it is because this year has been so damn cold and cruel, I am beginning to reflect that on my outside. Just got to hold onto the beauty within and that too, can shine through.

So there ya go Venglings, the full look with jewelry. Perfection right? I think so. I really, really like this look. The nails and eyelashes made this look just POP! Again, I am in love with it and this might actually make winter one of my favorite seasons. Alright Venglings, so you know what to do. Head on over to Venge Main Store and grab some LMs to the events and go get these items to make that winter outfit of yours sparkle and shine like it did mine! Remember, please stay safe, healthy and may you all have a wonderous holiday season! My love to you all *MUAH*



                                                    Nails and Lashes: Venge/Vengeful Threads

                                                    Hair: Lamb

                                                   Jewelry: Chop Zuey

                                                  Makeup: {DemiCorn} and Zibska

                                                  Dress: Envious

                                                  Tattoo: Endless Pain

                                                   Head: CATWA

                                                   Skin: Glam Affair. Be sure to look them up inworld!



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