Presents on nails and Enchanted Frost glistening

Hello Venglings, and welcome to the latest installment of the Venge blog! Tonight we are looking at the "Christmas Present" and the "Enchanted Frost" nail set. These sets definitely help set the scene for any holiday party or Winter Gala one might attend. Let us start off with: This set was definitely a fun and festive set to wear for a Holiday party or spice up that special outfit for that special someone. I chose to pair it with a very sexy and yet cute little outfit. It was fun and flirty, and these nails were the perfect addition to the outfit. The "Enchanted Frost" set is classy and elegant. Perfect for that Winter Gala or for that fancy holiday party at the office. I paired it with a cute but elegant outfit that my SL father got for me ironically. I say ironically because it is an outfit I never thought my Papa would ever let me wear, but that is usually my style. The right jewelry and this set popped like no other. It was definitely an eyecatcher...