The Spooky Gachaland Event Makeup and Eyes found in Store

 Hello Venglings!! Like it? I think it has a nice ring to it.......anyway today I am going to be telling you about the new spooky makeup from Venge found at the Gachaland event and the eyes that you can find in store. For this, I went extra spooky and honestly, I think I did a pretty good job! Without further ado, let us begin.

Okay, first up is the makeup. The makeup is available in 11, yes 11 different ways and is even BOM friendly. Woot, right? I think so LOL. Below you see the versions of the makeup pictured. This picture belongs to Ms Vixxen by the way, I am just borrowing it.

I chose to do the one that is labeled number 5 and let me tell you all something: This, plus the eyes I will be talking about shortly, some moonlight and some trees and I became one spooky b@#*h I tell you what! I mean take a look below:

Talk about being a monster of some sort! Oh and those earrings you are getting a peak at? Those are earrings shaped like a bat and come with a color change HUD. Fantastic little things like this to break up the horror that I am trying to create is a good thing!

Up next is the eyes. I chose to use the HUD for the picture this time simply because in my own weird way, I find it OMG adorable. I mean it, the little creatures on it make me smile and I dunno, they just add this feel to it. Here, see if you can get what I mean by taking a peak:

See what I mean? Anyway, the eyes come in eight colors and you can do each eye a different color or you can just have one eye as this type of lens. I mean to be honest, the possibilities are quite endless and the attention to detail is phenomenal!

Yeah, totally creepy in a setting like this, though I think in other settings, these eyes would be just as amazing without the creepy vibe. So I encourage you all to head over to the Gachaland Event and head over to Venge! while you are out and about and pick up these two items! I am telling you, it will be the best Linden you ever spent!


                                                                Make up, earrings and eyes: Venge!

                                                                 Hair: Truth

                                                                 Dress: Poet's Heart


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