The Sassiest Fish out of water

Hello Venglings!! Today we are going to discuss the sassiest fish to ever be out of water. The AFK fish is the perfect addition for anyone who needs to go AFK for extended periods of time or who might not want to be bothered in general. There are two versions: A "Gothic" version and a normal one. They are both Goldfish. They have a permanent chat bubble and these little fishies also make their own water bubbles. Below you will find the advertisement that shows the two versions of the fish, the comments they can make and the version that you can cuddle. When I decided to do this, I decided to use the Gothic fish. I chose to let it "swim" around my head. It was adorable and fun. I could not get enough of it. It was beyond fun! I loved this little guy and the fact I could have him speak my inner thought for the day was a total plus!! It was definitely something I was missing that I never knew I was! The details on the fishes are superb! The scales, the puffy cheeks...